"Science Indicators for Policy Development"

To provide information on science, technology, innovation, education and other related fields to the policymakers and others nationwide and make the society aware of the important issues relevant to science and technology towards the economic development of the country and the general welfare of the society.
Main Objective of the Division
To undertake science, technology and innovation (STI) policy research in the areas of importance to make recommendations towards policy formulation and develop various databases relevant to all sectors of STI that will be useful for decision making.
Main Activities of the Division
- National Research & Development (R&D) Surveys (With a link to a detailed page)
- Science and Technology Management Information System (STMIS) (With a link)
- Science & Technology policy research studies
Few Key Activities-2013
National R&D Survey 2012 (With a link to a detailed page)
Tracer study on S&T postgraduates passed out from national universities in past five years (With a link to publications)
Effectiveness and impact assessment of NSF Research Grant Scheme: a case study of research grants awarded from 1998-2008
Innovation system study on cane (Rattan) based industries
“Sri Lankans on the move”-International Conference on Migration (ICSOM), 23-25 January 2013
Seminar on “Aging and public policy in Sri Lanka: Issues and trajectories”, 27th March 2013
Workshop on “Revisiting Traditional Knowledge”, 27th August 2013
Recent publications
- Sri Lanka Science, Technology and Innovation Statistical Handbook 2010 (With a link)
- Sri Lanka Science, Technology and Innovation Statistical Technical Report 2008
- Conference proceedings of “Sri Lankans on the move” (With a link)
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