Grant Schemes



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Grant Schemes

RD Grants

The NSF supports R & D activities of Sri Lankan scientists in all fields of Science & Technology, the outputs and outcomes of which will ultimately benefit the Sri Lankan Society. Accordingly, the Competitive Research Grants facilitate and encourage scientists to carry out research of high standard, to strengthen the research base and promote R & D activities directed towards the socio-economic development of the country.  Read more.
This novel multidisciplinary collaborative research programme has been initiated with a view to address national needs and to drive the national research system to produce well defined outputs that can be harnessed for national development. The themes under the NTRP are decided as per the national priorities. The NSF has identified Energy Security, Food Security, Water Security and Climate Change as the priority areas to start with.  Read more.
This grant scheme provides financial support to eminent senior Scientists / Engineers with postgraduate or equivalent qualifications as determined by the Board of Management, to carry out fulltime research up to 3 years. Click here for more.
At present there is very low output of postgraduate research degrees by the Sri Lankan universities. It is important to attract and encourage graduates from recognized universities to conduct fulltime research leading to research degrees in order to encourage them to take up careers related to research. Click here for more
This grant scheme provides an opportunity for scientists / engineers with recent PhD or equivalent qualifications to carryout fulltime research within the country up to 2 years. Click here for more


Laboratories with modern infrastructure facilities are needed for research to be in par with the global S & T research. Click here for more
Purchasing of spare parts for research equipment has become a major problem for universities and R & D institutions due to financial constraints. Click here for more
Research publications enable the sharing of the findings with others so that they can benefit from the new knowledge which has been discovered. Click here for more

Technology Grants

The aim of this scheme is to take research outputs beyond laboratory scale by assisting three target groups of people belonging to different sectors to conduct projects of experimental development.. Read more
Having considered the fact that many research findings arising from research and experimental development projects are confined to laboratories without progressing into commercial applications and also with a view to develop an entrepreneurial culture among researchers/scientists/engineers in the research institutes and universities the grant scheme “Support for start up businesses based on novel Technologies (Start Ups)” is established.  Read more

Travel Grants

The scheme is specially designed to financially assist Sri Lankan scientists and technologists to attend scientific meetings, conferences, symposia, to present their research findings at international fora as well as to gain insights into the latest scientific and technological trends in the global arena. Read more
The objective of the OSTP is to enhance national capacities by providing opportunities for training and for acquiring advanced laboratory skills, industrial experience and international exposure. The programme is aimed at scientists and technical personal in academia, research institutions, government bodies or industry; and media personal in relevant institutions. The main premise is that such programmes for skills development and industrial experience would not be available in Sri Lanka in the foreseeable future. Read more
IPSAT is directed at promoting international research collaborations, technology transfer, and at obtaining expertise towards developing a globally-engaged research and scientific community in Sri Lanka. IPSAT will develop institutional capacities for meeting goals of the ST & I strategy. Read more
The National Science Foundation encourages the organization of international, regional and national scientific meetings in Sri Lanka by offering financial assistance to the organizers of conferences, workshops, seminars and training progammes, with a view to enhancing opportunities for Sri Lankan scientists to interact with each other and with scientists abroad.
Sponsorships are offered for meetings in the fields covered under the purview of the NSF. The Applicant must be a Sri Lankan citizen registered with the STMIS database of the NSF. The outcome of seminar/workshop/conference should have a national or regional impact rather than restricting to an individual institute. The participants should represent several sectors and regions.
This scheme will not apply for Grants for Organizing Scientific Meetings (Conferences, Workshops, training programmes, seminars etc) for which NSF is a co-organizer. Read more

SEEP Grants

NSF Grant Scheme to support Science Education and Popularization Programmes organized by Schools and Universities

The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides financial support for programmes organized by schools and universities with the following objectives.

  1.   Uplifting the standard of science education and popularization in the country.
  2.   To support science education and popularization programmes in schools and Universities.
  3.   Enhancement of knowledge and skills of the general public on latest science and technology developments.

Only the School Science Societies and University Science Societies which are registered with the NSF are considered for the Scheme (registration with the NSF can be obtained free of charge).

Programmes will be considered in two major categories as Science Education Programmes and Science Popularization Programmes, as follows.

  Science Education Programmes Science Popularization Programmes
Types of programmes

Improvement of school science laboratories

  1.  Establish school science centers
  2.  Any other activity recognized by the NSF
  1. Science days
  2. Science seminars
  3. Science competitions
  4. Science camps / observation camps
  5. Publish science magazines and radio programmes
  6. Any other activity recognized by the NSF
Time frame
  1. More than six months and up to 10 months
  2. An extension can be requested by providing a proper justification
  1. Less than six months
  1. Up to Rs.1,000,000/- per programme per year per school / university.
  2. Total funds will be provided in installments as 40% and 50%.
  3. Remaining 10% of the requested funds should be reimbursed.
  1. Up to Rs.200,000/- per programme per year per school / university.
  2. 90% of the total requested funds will be released initially.
  3. Remaining 10% of the requested funds should be reimbursed.
Required documents Duly completed application with the following,
  1. Request letter from the Principal / Senior Treasurer
  2. Detailed Estimated Budget for the Programme
  3. Details of the Programme
  4. A proposal indicating following,                         
    Name and address of the School / University Science Society
    - Project title
    - Rationale
    - Objectives
    - Implementation plan
    - Intended output / outcome
    - Time period / date of implementation
    - Estimated total budget with the break down
    - Total funds expected from NSF
  5. Any other relevant details
Duly completed application with the following,
  1. Request letter from the Principal / Senior Treasurer
  2. Detailed Estimated Budget for the Programme
  3. Details of the Programme
  4. Any other relevant details
Memorandum of  Understanding (MoU)  An MoU should be signed with the NSF  Not necessary


Directions for applicants :

  1. Application forms can be obtained from the NSF by sending a self- addressed and stamped envelope or directly downloaded from the NSF website (
  2. Duly completed applications should be sent to Director General, National Science Foundation, 47/5, Maitland Place, Colombo 07.
  3. Applications should be submitted at least 2 1/2 months prior to commencement of the programme.
  4. Funding will be based on the recommendation of the relevant Committee on Science Popularization and approval of the Board of Management.
  5. Funding will not be provided for, accommodation, subsistence payments and local transportation.
  6. To request remaining installments, a report of financial and physical progress of the previous installment should be submitted to the NSF along with a request letter.
  7. To reimburse the final 10%, the original receipts for expenses should be provided.
  8. Final Report with the impact / outcome of the programme should be submitted to the NSF at the end of the programme along with the financial statement for the whole programme authorized by the Principal (schools) / Bursar (universities).
  9. If the above report and the financial statement have not been submitted, the remaining funds of the approved budget (10 %) will not be provided, and the particular school / university will not be considered for any further financial assistance under this scheme.
  10. Any balance funds should be returned to the NSF within one month, after completion of the programme.
  11. Sponsorship of the NSF should be clearly mentioned and NSF Logo should be clearly displayed in all the activities related to the said programme. The following logo should be obtained from the NSF.


Application SP programme (306KB)

Application SE programme (334KB)

Overseas Training

Recognizing that scientific knowledge and its applications are central for national development at all levels, the National Science Foundation in alignment with the National Science Technology and Innovation Strategy has introduced the Overseas Special Training Programme (OSTP) to financially assist scientific and technical personnel, (science administrators, science educators, S&T policy makers & science communicators) as well as full time research students to acquire overseas training up to 12 months. Read more


International Partnerships for Science and Technology (IPSAT) is directed at promoting international research collaborations, technology transfer, and at obtaining expertise towards developing a globally-engaged research and scientific community in Sri Lanka. IPSAT will develop institutional capacities for meeting goals of the ST & I strategy . Read more

Founding for S&T Publications

NSF has initiated this grant scheme to financially support authors to publish books/monographs and other reading materials related to Science & Technology and to increase the availability of printed/online materials in Science and Technology relevant to local needs

Considering the importance of the publication to the local needs, qualifications/experience of the author in the related field , accuracy of content and the way of presentation, the grants will be provided.

Please see guidelines for more detail

Downloads Application Form (pdf)

Supporting Page Charges

Research publications enable the sharing of the findings with others so that they can benefit from the new knowledge which has been discovered. It also gives project findings the opportunity to be critically evaluated, reproduced and thus gains validity. Therefore the way to reach the widest audience is to publish the findings in a reputed journal. Read more

Oversease Science Educations

Overseas Science Education Programme of NSF (OSEP)

“OSEP is to provide an international exposure on trends in modern science, technology, research and innovation to Sri Lankan school children, teachers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; STEM) and University Undergraduates in order to upgrade and improve their knowledge on science, technology and innovation to face the challenges of the modern world by providing financial assistance.’

Categories of candidates and types of programmes

Category Types of programmes
School Children (Grade 09 upward) o Participation at Intel ISEF
o Participation at International Olympiad
o Other Science Competitions overseas
o Training programmes on Science education / science  popularization overseas
o  Other overseas activities identified by the NSF
School teachers (STEM) o Training programmes on Science education / science popularization overseas
o Science Competitions overseas
o Intel ISEF
o International Olympiad
o Seminars / Conferences related to science education and science popularization overseas
o Other international competitions and activities identified by the NSF
University undergraduates o Science Competitions and Science Fairs overseas
o Seminars / Conferences related to science education and science popularization overseas
o Other overseas activities identified by the NSF

Eligibility criteria

  • * Applicant must be a citizen of Sri Lanka.

Directions for applicants

  • * Applications can be obtained from the NSF by sending a self- addressed stamped envelope or directly downloaded from the NSF website.
  • * Duly completed applications should be sent to Director General, National Science Foundation, 47/5, Maitland Place, Colombo 07.
    * Applications should be submitted at least 3 months prior to commencement of the programme.
    * After a grant is awarded it is non-transferable and non-deferrable.
    * The decision of the NSF Board of Management will be final.
    * Any form of canvassing is regarded as a disqualification.


  • * Airfare, food and accommodation will be provided to the selected group (s) by the NSF.
  • * Government schools and Universities registered with the NSF will be fully funded. Private and International schools registered with the NSF will be partially funded (50 %).
    * Funding will be based on the recommendation of the relevant Committee on Science Popularization and approval of the NSF Board of Management. Decision of the Board of Management will be the final.


  • * Science Popularization Division: 0112696771 (ext-111,104,108)
  • * Applicants must be from schools (school children: Grade 09 upward; Teachers: STEM teachers) and University Science Societies registered with the NSF.


Through collaborative research programmes, a synergetic achievement is intended by such means as sharing knowledge and research facilities. This programme is specially designed to develop International Research Collaborations between Sri Lankan and International Research Institutions.
This programme will facilitate active researchers at any stage of their carrier to share and disseminate new and original ideas and/or techniques, initiate and undertake collaborative research/technology development and facilitate interaction and training of scientists, engineers, science and technology policy makers and research personnel. 

OBJECTIVES 123444To support Sri Lankan research-based institutions to develop collaborative relationships in research with well-established and recognized foreign institutions. To facilitate Sri Lankan researchers to be a part of collaborative research programmes of high quality and mutual concern. To facilitate knowledge/skill development, technology transfer and science communication internationally. To develop nationally significant programmes related to Science Technology and Innovation as well as research projects which address global challenges.

       At least two researchers should collaborate;    
               A Principal Investigator (PI) affiliated to a Sri Lankan University or a Research Institution
               A Principal Investigator (PI) affiliated to a Foreign University or a Research Institution

       Minimum qualifications for the PI – Sri Lanka
                Sri Lankan citizen and currently residing in Sri Lanka
                Registered under NSF STMIS Database
                Affiliated to a Sri Lankan University or a Research Institution
                Master’s degree with a minimum of one year full time research component

•    An applicant cannot have more than two ongoing research projects funded by the NSF as a PI at NSF.
•    Identifying an international collaborator and preparing a joint proposal is the responsibility of the PI.
•    NSF will not entertain applications directly from the International collaborators for funding under any component of ICRP.
•    For More details refer the ‘ICRP Guidelines’ or contact NSF

•    ICRP Application 1
•    ICRP Application 2 (Doc)
•    ICRP Guidelines


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