Annual Research Conference of Population Association of Sri Lanka (ARC-PASL 2024)










The Population Association of Sri Lanka invites academics, professionals, researchers and postgraduate students to submit abstracts for the Annual research conference 2023 on or before 15th December  2023.The conference will be held on 17th February in Colombo.

Abstract Guidelines are available at 

PASL Conferance flyer V1.4 1




Call for Research Papers: SLJPS 23(1) and Vol 23(2) - 2022



CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies, Volume 23(1) and 23(2), 2022

The Deadline Extended: 30 June 2022

Please see the following flyer for more details.


Call For Papers PASL sljps Vol 231 232



ISSN 1391-3433 Publisher: Population Association of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies is a scientific refereed journal, published by the Population Association of Sri Lanka, a non-profit professional organization of population scientists. SLJPS includes research conducted in several disciplines on population-related issues. The Journal is published bi-annually from 2019.

How to Order      Notes for Contributors    


SLJPS        Editorial Staff


        Editor: Ruwan Jayathilaka


        Editorial Advisory Board:
        A.T.P.L. Abeykoon

        Deborah Degraff

        Lakshman Dissanayake

        S.A. Meegama

        K.A.P. Siddhisena

        Bradman Weerakoon


        Editorial Committee

        Kumudika Boyagoda

        M.W. S. J. Kumari

        Wimal Nanayakkara
        Swarna Ukwatta








Contents of the Recent Issues

Vol. No. 22 (1) : February 2021

Samanthi Bandara, Theekshana Suraweera, Amal Dasanayaka and Samantha Thelijjagoda, A Look into Those Who Can’t See: Socioeconomic Status in the Lives of Visually Impaired in Three Geographical Areas of Sri Lanka. Abstract
Kumari Thoradeniya, Violence against Ageing Population: Global Overview with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. Abstract

R. P. G. R. Jayatissa, Psychosocial Problems Faced By Transgender Community in Sri Lanka: Three Case Studies, Sri Lanka. Abstract

Amila Manamendra and Achala Manamendra, Issues of Online Education System: Family Level Factors. Abstract

K.Rewathy, Vagrant Community and Their Basic Needs: A Case Study Based on Thotalanga Homeless People. Abstract



Vol. No. 21 (2) : August 2020

Lakshman Dissanayake and Manori Weeratunga, The Rise of a Silver Economy: Stimulating Economy of Sri Lanka. Abstract
Dilki Ishara and Roshini Jayaweera, Benefits of Migration: A Case Study of Returnee Migrants in a Fishing Community in Puttalam District. Abstract

U.T.G Perera, Spatial and Demographic Dimensions of Dengue Epidemic: A Study in Kolonnawa Divisional Secretariat, Sri Lanka. Abstract

U. L. Milhana, A. A. M. Nufile and A. M. M. Mustafa, Ageing Population and Economic Growth Nexus in Sri Lanka. Abstract

Book Review by Manori K. Weeratunga.


Contents of the Previous Volumes:

Vol. No. 21 (1) : February 2020

C.M. Munasingharachchi and K.A.P. Siddhisena, The Socio-Demographic Context of Abuse of Elderly People: A Case Study Based on Elderly Care Settings in Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte Divisional Secretariat Area of Colombo District, Sri Lanka. Abstract

Manori K. Weeratunga, Irangi Samarakoon and Lakshman Dissanayake, Spatial Orientation and Efficiency of Migration in Sri Lanka. Abstract

Kumudika Boyagoda and V.P. Nethra Senadhi, Human Trafficking and the Family: Examples from Sri Lanka on Socio-Economic Issues Experienced by Families of the Trafficked due to Trafficking. Abstract

W.R.V. Wathsala Anuradhi, Perspective on Health of Resettled People in Urban Settlements. Abstract

K.G.N.S. Chandrasiri and N.M. Wijesekara, Identifying the Determinant of Consumer’s Purchase Tendency towards Herbal Cosmetics: A Research Based on Minuwangoda Divisional Secretariat.Abstract

Book Review by Poongothai Venuganan. Abstract


Vol. No. 20 (2) : August 2019

Gaminiratne Wijesekara and Prem Thpa, Socio-Economic Differentials and Regional Variations in Cancer and Circulatory Diseases Seaths Attributed to Nonspecific Causes in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Kumudika Boyagoda , Migrate or Stay Behind? Gendered Negotiations Regarding Children’s Education. Abstract
P.M.M. Fernando, P.H.T. Kumara, R.A.P.I.S. Dharmadasa and W.G.R.L. Samaraweera, Multidimensional Poverty among the Estate Population of Badulla District in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Thanuja Dharmasena, Safe Sanitation and Population Health: Empirical Analysis to Identify Determinants of Latrine Usage in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Book Review by K.A.P. Siddhisena

Vol. No. 20 (1) : February 2019

Gaminiratne Wijesekere, Sociodemographic Differentials in Ill-defined Deaths in Sri Lanka, 2010. Abstract
J. H. C. Liyanage and M. Higuchi, Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention: Intervention-Based Study at Padukka MOH Division in Sri Lanka. Abstract
R.A.S.P. Ranabahu, Perceived Income Security among Community-Dwelling Elders od Sri Lanka. Abstract
W. K. V. Dayalatha, K. A. P. Siddhisena and S. K. M. Ali, The Impact of Population Growth on Degradation of Mangroves, Water and Coral Reefs in the Southern Part of Sri Lanka. Abstract
R. U. K. Piyadasa and H. M. M. S. D. Herath, Role of the Vulnerable Population in Facing the Rising Disaster Risks of Frequent Flood Events: A Case Study of Flood-Prone Area of Ratnapura Divisional Secretariat Division, Sri Lanka. Abstract
D. M. S. G. Wijerathna, Ethnic Differences in Desired Cessation of Childbearing and Intended Contraceptive Use: A Case Study of Maradana Grama Niladari Division, Colombo District Abstract

Vol. No. 18-19: June 2018

Gaminiratne Wijesekere, Prem Thapa and Vu Son, Medication Taken by Adults for Major Non-communicable Diseases in Sri Lanka: Analysis of Socio-economic and Household Influences. Abstract
R.A.S.P. Ranabahu, K.A.P. Siddhisena, Sarath Amarasinghe and S.K.M. Ali, Social Dimension of Active Ageing Among Community-dwelling Elders in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Lakshman Dissanayake and Manori K. Weeratunga, Decomposition of Natural Population Growth Rate in Sri Lanka, 1946-2012. Abstract
Swarna Ukwatta, Health and Nutritional Problems Encountered by Left Behind Children of Sri Lankan Migrant Mothers. Abstract
U.T.G. Perera and C.M.K.N.K. Chandrasekara, Spatial Dimension of the Dengue Epidemic in relation to Age and Gender in Kolonnawa Area, Sri Lanka Abstract
K. Dilhani Wijesinghe, Factors Associated with Teenage Pregnancies in Sri Lanka: A Study of the Colombo Municipal Council. Abstract
S.R. Ariyaratne, R.D.H. Kulatunga and B.J. Mendis, Association between Major Depressive Disorder and Socio-demographic Factors in Ayurvedic Hospital Settings. Abstract
H.M.M. Sonali D. Herath and U.K. Ranjana Piyadasa, Growing Coastal Population and the Future of Ground Water Resources: A Case Study of Kalpitiya Peninsula, Sri Lanka. Abstract
Migara Karunarathne, The Attitudes of Tamil University Students Regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections. Abstract
Gayathri Abeywickrama, Reproductive Health Knowledge and Attitudes among Secondary School Children in Colombo District. Abstract
Udaya Kumari Maheshwaran, Health Condition and Status of Employment of the Elderly People in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Yuganthi Subasinghe, Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues among the Physically Disabled Population in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Mahara Divisional Secretariat, Gampaha District. Abstract
Book Review by Ruwan Jayathilaka

Vol. No. 17: January 2017

Lakshman Dissanayake, Age Structure Changes and Demographic Dividends: The Case of Sri Lanka. Abstract
N. M. Medagama and K. A. P. Siddhisena, Socio-Demographic Differences and Level of Disability on Frailty of Elderly in Sri Lanka. Abstract
S.M.A.T. de S. Nandaseela, Changes of Population Gravity, With Population Density in Western Province, Sri Lanka. Abstract
A.N.N. Nuzrath and Fareena Ruzaik, Public Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Solid Waste Management in the Colombo Municipality Area.
D.M.S.G Wijerathna, Ethnic Differences in Desired Birth Spacing: A Case Study of the Maradana Grama Niladari Division Colombo District. Abstract
A.P.H.S. Jayarathne, Demographic Transformation of Afro-Sri Lankans: In Relation to Puttalam District. Abstract
I.S. Samarakoon, Dissemination of Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge from Parents to Adolescent Children. Abstract

Vol. No. 15-16: April 2016

Lakshman Dissanayake, When is Sri Lanka Reaching Replacement Level of Fertility? Abstract
Gaminiratne Wijesekere, Changing Patterns of Food Consumption in Sri Lanka from 1985-2009 Based on Food Disappearance Data. Abstract
K.A.P. Siddhisena and M.D.A.L. Ranasinghe, Women on the Move: Human Trafficking in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Ruwan Jayathilaka, Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Poor Alcohol Consumers in Sri Lanka.
S.P. Premaratne, Intra-Household Expenditure Sharing by Elderly Couples: A Collective Model. Abstract
Fareena Ruzaik, An Assessment of Health Hazards of Open Dump of Solid Waste in the Colombo Municipal Council Area. Abstract
Pabasara Jayathilaka and Prabhu Subasinghe, Work Stress and Job Performance in Relation to Gender and Years of Employment. Abstract
Gayani Ranasinghe and Ranjana U.K. Piyadasa,
Socio Economic Elements that Affect Flood Vulnerability. Abstract
I.R. Bandara, Factors Affecting Contraceptive Use of Women in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Priya Sharma and Navaid Ali Khan, Prevalence and Determinants of Foetal Wastage in India. Abstract
Gayathri Abeywickrama, Fertility Decision Making by Women in Shanties in Colombo District. Abstract
Book Review by Alain Sibenaler

Vol. No. 14: July 2014

Graeme Hugo, Sri Lankan Migration to Australia. Abstract
Lakshman Dissanayake, Avoidable Mortality and Men’s Health Status in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Sukhonta Mahaarcha and Sirinan Kittisuksathit, The Influence of Family Factors on Pro-Social Behaviour of Youth in Thailand. Abstract
Sunethra Perera and Malee Sunpuwan, Feminization of Ageing and Functional Disability among Elderly: A Longitudinal Study of the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System, Thailand. Abstract
A.D.L. Perera and O.G Dayaratna-Banda, Effects of Population Ageing on National Savings in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Analysis. Abstract
Manori K. Weeratunga and Graeme Hugo, Changing Family Structure in Sri Lanka. Abstract
B. Nishanthi Perera, Preference for Traditional Contraceptive Use and Women’s Education: The Case of Sri Lanka. Abstract
D.N. Prasadi Fernando, Demographic, Socio-Economic and Cultural Factors Affecting Fertility Differentials among Muslims in Sri Lanka. Abstract
R.D.H. Kulatunga, Alankruta R. Dave and   M. S. Baghel, Cognitive Base Mental Health Status among a Selected Indian Elderly Population.

Vol. No. 12-13: February 2011

Swarna Ukwatta, Migration of Sri Lankan Females as Domestic Workers Overseas and the Children Left Behind. Abstract
Saranya Sucharitakul and Sureeporn Punpuing, Migration Duration and Household Asset Changes. Abstract
D.M. Madhuri Dissanayake and K.A.P Siddhisena, Health Conditions and Health Care Practices of the Ageing Population in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Sunethra Perera and Aree Jampaklay, International migration and children left behind: Impacts on children’s school enrolment in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Anlaya Smuseneeto and Kusol Soonthorndhada, Changes in Economic Security among Thai Elderly: Evidence from National Elderly Survey, 2002 and 2007. Abstract
W.A.W.P Wijeyalath, The impact of spatial distribution of population on air pollution in the city of Colombo. Abstract

Vol. No. 11: December 2009

D.S.P. Madurawala, Labour Force Participation of Women in Child bearing Ages, Sri Lanka. Abstract
R.C. Yadava, Richa Pandey and A.K. Tiwari, Post-Partum Amenorrhea and its Determinants. Abstract
Ruwan Jayathilaka, Status of Poverty in Sri Lanka: In a Perspective of Headship. Abstract
Mahmuda Khatun, Stalling Fertility Transition in Bangladesh. Abstract
R.G. Ariyawansa, Demographic Characteristics and Planning Challenges: The Case of Colombo City. Abstract
Chrishantha Abeysena, Lalith Wijerathne and Pushpa Jawawardena, Prevalence of Disability in Ragama MOH Area. Abstract

Vol. No. 10: December 2007

Swarna Ukwatta and Graeme Hugo, Transnational mothering: Some observations from Asia. Abstract
Michael Collyer and Peshala Wimalasena, Linking migration sub-systems in Sri Lanka.  Abstract
Sunethra Perera, International contract migration in Sri Lanka: Dynamics, issues and policy implications. Abstract
H.M. Nawarathna Banda, Impact of international migration on reducing rural poverty in Sri Lanka (with reference to Gampaha District). Abstract

Vol. No. 9: March 2007

W.P. Amarabandu, Physical disabilities among the elderly in the Sri Lankan Population, 1981 & 2001.
Manori Kaluthantiri, Pre-tsunami and Post-tsunami Mortality in Galle District.
W. Indralal de Silva and Kumudika Boyagoda, Symptoms of ill-health and health seeking behaviour of Sri Lankan mothers during the puerperium.
K.A.P. Siddhisena and Kumudika Boyagoda, Determinants and Consequences of Sexual Behaviour among Female Workers in Free Trade Zones in Sri Lanka: A Qualitative Analysis.
Lakshman Disanayake and Manori Kaluthantiri, Demographic factors influencing development planning: the case of Moneragala District.
Ruwan Jayathilaka, Economic Demographic Characteristics of Poor Female Headed Households in Sri Lanka.

Vol. No. 8: September 2005

Deborah S. DeGraff and Anju Malhotra, Young Women’s employment in Sri Lanka: the role of marriage and socio economic status: A study of Kalutara District Abstract
H.H.M.B. Senaviratne, Climatic change and development: the effect of climatic change on population and development in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Kumudika Boyagoda, Fertility differences among the poor and non-poor: A study in the Kalutara District. Abstract
R.A.S.B. Ranabahu, Demographic characteristics of urban in-migrants in the Gampaha District. Abstract
P.Vithanage and W.A.D. Sanjeewani, Contraceptive behavior of estate workers in Sri Lanka: A Study of Nuwara Eliya District. Abstract

Vol. No. 7: September 2004

Swarna Ukwatte, Dominance of Female in Internal Migration in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Lakshman Dissanayake and Monohari Kalutanthri, Economics of Population Aging in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Sunethra Perera, Determinants of Current Attitudes to Reproductive Health among Female Labour Migrants: A Study of Katunayake Export Processing Zone. Abstract
Y.M.L. Amarasooriya, Experience of Women Having Non-therapeutic Induced Abortion: A Phenomenological Field Study. Abstract
R.A.S.P. Ranabahu, The Consequences of Urban In-Migration in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Gampaha District. Abstract

Vol. No. 6: March 2003

K.A.P. Siddhisena, Marital disruption in Sri Lanka: Trends and differentials. Abstract
B.M.Kiribanda, Child labour and schooling: Evidence from Sri Lanka, a developing country. Abstract

D.M. A. Dissanayake, Savings and investments of Sri Lankan returnee migrants after employment abroad. Abstract
L. Manawadu, Ethnic segregation in the city of Colombo. Abstract

Vol. No. 5: March 2002

Kanthi Ratnayake, Youth at risk? Knowledge, attitudes an behaviour relating to reproductive health, including STDs and HIV/AIDS among beach boys in Sri Lanka. Abstract
P. Hewage, Opinions of health professionals on liberalizing abortion law in Sri Lanka and the actual experience of abortion seekers. Abstract
Gamini Samaranayake, Demographic trends and political violence in Sri Lanka. Abstract
R.M.A.K. Rathnayake, Some reflections on integrated urban development in Sri Lanka. Abstract
J.M.S. Jayaweera, The impact of unplanned urbanization on upper Mahaweli catchment areas. Abstract
D. M. A.Dissanayake, Working conditions of Sri Lankan housemaids employed abroad. Abstract
C. M. Madduma Bandara, Address given at launching of “State of world population report for 2001”.

Vol. No. 4: March 2001

K.N. Lankatilake and W.I. De Silva, Factors associated with the decline fertility among Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka from 1987 to 1993. Abstract
Kalinga Tudor Silva, The significance of prior experience with Middle East migration in a sample of female sex workers in a provincial town in Sri Lanka. Abstract
A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Demographic trends among major ethnic groups in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Vinya S. Ariyaratne and Richard S. Brooks, An integrated approach to reproductive health; the Sarvodaya experience. Abstract

Soma de Silva, Maternal mortality in Sri Lanka: estimation, levels, trends and causes. Abstract

Vol. No. 3: March 2000

Special Issue: Demographic experiences of Sri Lanka: Prospects and Challenges for the 21st Century

Bradman Weerakoon, Sri Lanka in the 20th century: a rapidly changing demographic scenario. Abstract

A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Population and socio economic changes in 20th century Sri Lanka. Abstract
K.A.P.Siddhisena, Determinants and implications of fertility trends in Sri Lanka: retrospect and prospect. Abstract
Lakshman Dissanayake, Epidemiological transition in Sri Lanka.  Abstract
Swarna Ukwatta, Migration and urbanization in Sri Lanka: an overview. Abstract
Jayanthi De Silva, Population and some key environmental issues in Sri Lanka. Abstract
W.P. Amarabandu, Politics of population issues and policies in Sri Lanka.  Abstract

Vol. No. 2: March 1999

Gavin W. Jones, Keynote address to the first annual sessions of the Population Association of Sri Lanka.
A.J. Satharasinghe, Time-use analysis of husbands and wives. Abstract
Shyama Ranabahu, Population pressure on land: a case study within the Minuwangoda Divisional Secretariat Division of the Gampaha district. Abstract
Monica Rana and R.D. Singh, Some gender issue in a mountain environment in India. Abstract
Kanthi Ratnayake, Female migration from Sri Lanka to the middle-east: is the remedy worse than the disease. Abstract

Vol. No. 1: February 1998

Nimal Dangalla, Controlling population growth in Sri Lanka: perceptions, policies and strategies. Abstract
A.T.P.L. Abeykoon and P. Wilson, Emerging population issues among adolescent and youth. Abstract
K.A.P. Siddhisena and Kanthi Ratnayake, Ageing of population and elderly care in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Narada Warnasuriya, Middle-east migration and health. Abstract
R.S. Gunawardena, Demographic and socio-economic situation in a new settlement in Sri Lanka. Abstract
Chandra Attanayake, World demographic scenario at the 21st century with special reference to Sri Lanka. Abstract

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